Jefferson County

Jefferson County
Johnson Creek, Jefferson County; Photographer: Michele Thielke
County Seat: Jefferson

311 S. Center Avenue

City: Jefferson
Zip: 53549
Phone: 920-674-7144
Land Area: 557.1 sq. miles
Elevation: 795 ft. at Jefferson
Number of Lakes: 35
Area in Lakes: 3,770 acres (5.89 sq. miles)
Rivers: Ashippun, Bark, Crawfish, Rock, Scuppernong
Major Watershed: Rock River (East), Wisconsin River (North), Mississippi River (West)
Geographical Province: Eastern Ridges and Lowlands

East: Mostly sugar maple, basswood and elm. Southeast: Area of black spruce, tamarack and cedar. West: Oak savanna. Northwest and Southwest: Small areas of prairie bluestem and composites. West Central: Small area of sedge meadow.


1930: 36,785
1970: 60,060
1980: 66,152
1990: 67,783
2000: 74,021
2010: 83,686
2020: 84,900

WCA District: Southern

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